Robert Scales notes that if the six soldiers and Marines who have received the Medal of Honor for heroism in Afghanistan had deployed with some relatively simple and inexpensive gear, they might never have been put in the dire straits that led to their decoration: “You can buy helmet cams at Walmart.” (War On The Rocks)
In an era when war increasingly requires understanding beyond the use of arms, here’s a short list of things that make a great scholar. (The Duck of Minerva)
Maj. Tyrell Mayfield, who has just returned from a deployment as part of the four-year-old Afghanistan-Pakistan Hands Program (APH), offers this straight-backed critique of a valuable effort and its mismanagement by DoD. (Small Wars Journal)
A week after an Army general “crashed” the HASC’s AirSea Battle hearing, here’s a roundup of the various ways the Army is increasing its Pacific presence. (DoD Buzz)
And here’s an infographic to close out Shutdown Week: what might that wasted $24 billion have bought instead? (Foreign Policy)
Warlord’s Quote
“In order for a war to be just, three things are necessary. First, the authority of the sovereign…. Secondly, a just cause…. Thirdly… a rightful intention.” — St. Thomas Aquinas, “Summa Theologica”
Contributed by Steve Hildreth, who has concentrated on ballistic missile defense for three decades as a specialist in national defense at the Congressional Research Service. From a list compiled by the Warlord Loop, a private email forum for national security experts.
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