Army Chief of Staff Ray Odierno says his service has just two combat-ready brigades. (Defense News). And don’t miss the rest of Defense News’ coverage from AUSA.
James Stavridis on avoiding war in the Arctic: “How can the United States chart a course toward what the Canadians like to call a policy of ‘High North, Low Tension’?” (Foreign Policy)
CNO and submariner Adm. Jonathan Greenert lays out his vision for undersea dominance, including more undersea sensors and robots. (Defense One)
Mark Stout lists “Five Reasons We Don’t Have Good Strategic Thought About Cyber.” (War On The Rocks)
James Joyner takes a shot at toting up the damage done by the shutdown. (National Interest)
More on why Saudi Arabia declined to take its seat on the UN Security Council. (Foreign Policy)
Jason Kottke’s observation about taxi service Uber applies to one’s enemies as well.
Warlord’s Quote
“If you are going through hell, keep going” — Winston Churchill
Contributed by Lt. Col. (ret.) Dave Jonas, the General Counsel of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board and the first military lawyer to argue a case at the Supreme Court. From a list compiled by the Warlord Loop, a private email forum for national security experts.
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