
September 19, 2013  

Navy’s ‘wasted year’ | Buy fewer UAVs | Sequestration woes

At Information Dissemination, Galhran sounds the alarm bell on rifts in the Navy’s leadership: “It is shocking how much of a wasted year this has been for the Navy to make a case for seapower.”

The commanding general of the USAF’s Air Combat Command says the USAF needs to buy fewer Reapers and Predators and more stuff that can do ISR in contested environments. (Defense News)

In congressional testimony, reports Military Times’ Andrew Tilghman, “The [Joint] chiefs unanimously agreed that the budget cuts will render them unable to meet the demands of the national security strategy drawn up just last year.”

Here’s Gen. Ray Odierno’s written testimony to Congress, in which he lays out what sequestration is doing to the Army. (Interestingly, he also states plainly just how much the Army has come to rely on the funds formerly known as “supplemental” for basic needs: “In the years since 2003, the Army has relied heavily on Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funding to build and maintain the core competencies and readiness for operations overseas. OCO funds have been used to meet immediate operational needs and to fill voids in Soldier training and modernization procurement.”)

And John Hamre writes in the Washington Post that the Navy Yard shooting exposes flaws in the security-clearance process.

Warlord’s Quote of the Day

“Except for a few special cases, title to every parcel of real property derives from an act of violence, more or less remote, and ownership is only as valid as the strength and will required to maintain it. This is the lesson of history, whether you like it or not.” — Jack Vance, The Grey Prince

Contributed by Bob Godich, who focused on military manpower and history but ranged widely at the Congressional Research Service before retirement. He now is writing a book about the history of conscription. From a list compiled by the Warlord Loop, a private email forum for national security experts.

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