Marking the 60th anniversary of the U.S.-South Korea alliance, the Korea Herald looks at two U.S. concepts — Air-Sea Battle and Strategic Landpower — and their implications for the peninsular.
Barry Watts at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments examines “The Evolution of Precision Strike” and its effect on U.S. security interests. It is possible, he says, “that fundamental changes in how the U.S. military plans to fight will have to be made in order to cope with a future in which precision strike — nuclear as well as non-nuclear — produces ‘no-go’ areas even more lethal and costly than the machine gun and massed artillery rendered trench warfare during 1914-1918.”
In a briefing on “The Underlying Causes of Stability and Unrest in the Middle East and North Africa,” Anthony H. Cordesman, Nicholas S. Yarosh and Chloe Coughlin-Schulte at CSIS examine “statistics and data on the key trends in demographics, economics, internal security and justice systems, governance, and social change, and [show] how they affect both the region and differ by individual nation.”
Warlord’s Quote of the Day
“Moral smugness is the province of those who reject the realities of human nature and high cost of all the predictable unintended consequences.” — Col. (ret.) David Gurney, USMC
Contributed by Col. (ret.) Zyg Dembeck, Senior Scientist at the Center for Disaster and Humanitarian Assistance Medicine and an associate professor at a health sciences university. From a list compiled by the Warlord Loop, a private email forum for national security experts.
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