Lt. Cmdr. David Coghlan’s recommendation that NORTHCOM absorb EUCOM has merit, except that it fails to take into account the political aspect of that combatant command’s interaction with NATO.
Making the NORTHCOM commander the Supreme Allied Commander does not make sense; NORTHCOM headquarters is too far away even with technology links. Further, how to apportion forces? A way to address this would be the creation of a sub-unified command similar to what is in place in South Korea. This would continue the commitment to the NATO alliance, as well as show less of a centralized approach. Reduction of EUCOM to a U.S. Forces Europe, which becomes 7th Army in time of conflict, modeled on U.S. Forces Korea becoming 8th Army, allows for a strength aspect to counter potential growth in Russia, as well as continuing to show support to Europe.
— Maj. Pat Filbert Army (ret.), Las Vegas
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