Syria’s the main event today, but there’s still plenty of other things to fix. Here’s Rachel Kleinfeld on three other things that could use some attention.
And while we’re mulling the Middle East, says Jeremy Shapiro, there’s another authoritarian state that eventually going to give us fits: Qatar.
During last year’s spate of grand-strategy confabs, it was common to lament the various ways that U.S. foreign policy had run adrift. Peter Munson says it’s broken entirely.
And just in case you missed it, here’s the Washington Post’s big article last week on the 2013 black budget.
Warlord’s Quote of the Day
“The soldier has to steer between the danger of repeating the errors of the past because he is ignorant and remaining bound by theories deduced from past history although changes in conditions have rendered these theories obsolete.” — Sir Michael Howard
Contributed by Lt. Col. (ret.) Frank Hoffman, USMC, formerly the Navy’s Senior Director, Naval Capabilities and Readiness, now a Senior Research Fellow at National Defense University. From a list compiled by the Warlord Loop, a private email forum for national security experts.
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