
October 23, 2013  

Sequestration’s costs | AUSA coverage | NATO deterrence

Now that the insanity of the shutdown is past (for now), we can get back to railing against the inflexibity of the sequester. Here’s Lt. Col. Robert Bateman’s take. (Esquire).

Today’s the final day of the 2013 AUSA Annual Meeting. Check Defense News’ Show Scout for the latest.

Lawrence Freedman surveys the current state of NATO deterrence. (War On The Rocks)

Zachary Keck reports that al Qaeda has grown less dangerous yet more pervasive. (The National Interest)

Google and Arbor Networks have constructed a live visualization of ongoing cyber attacks.

Warlord’s Quote

“COIN boils down to two principles: killing who needs killing and protecting who needs protection. The only hard part is telling the difference.” — Ralph Peters

Contributed by Col. (ret.) John Keenan, a former speechwriter for the Marine Corps Commandant and Director of the Amphibious Warfare School.From a list compiled by the Warlord Loop, a private email forum for national security experts.

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