Charlie Dunlap and Phil Meilinger urge us to look forward in this month’s cover. As Dunlap says, the mantra “don’t forget the lessons of Iraq” might be the vogue, but it might also be dangerous. Reliance on old principles of war — even those wars we’re still fighting — may not serve as well in future wars. Meilinger offers a set of new principles of war that compel forward thinking.
Michael Miklaucic’s essay advises the new administration to pursue an integrated civilian-military approach to the complex security challenges that lie ahead.
Charlie Williamson’s May article “Carpet bombing in cyberspace” calling for a U.S. military botnet was highly prescient. Just two months later came the first real-world test of his theory in the botnet attacks against the country of Georgia.
Steve Korns, who is helping develop cyberpolicy at the Defense Department, examines whether Williamson’s theory was proved or disproved by that cyberconflict; and Williamson adds his perspective on what happened. It’s a compelling discussion.
Ned Lundquist explains how foreign military sales are not just about doing business. When a weapon system is made available to a key ally or potential partner, U.S. strategic goals are easier to meet.
Joe Collins writes the second in his Transition Strategy series, this time focusing on how the new administration should approach Afghanistan.
In his Industry Pulse column, Scott Hamilton describes what may be one of today’s best bargains in defense weapons procurement — the conversion of submarines from ballistic-missile to guided-missile roles.
And there’s even more found online. Check out for Pete Brooke’s roundup of the new president’s global security challenges and other good reads.
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