
August 7, 2013  

SecNav sees green water ahead

The USS Makin Island’s hybrid-electric propulsion system can run on auxiliary propulsion at low speeds and on gas turbines at higher speeds. (Navy)

The USS Makin Island’s hybrid-electric propulsion system can run on auxiliary propulsion at low speeds and on gas turbines at higher speeds. (Navy)

SecNav Ray Mabus says the recent spike in oil prices after a few years of fracking-led declines in energy prices reminds us to keep pressing for energy diversity and efficiency. And a year after his “Great Green Fleet” first took to the waters off Hawaii, he writes that “biofuel prices have dropped dramatically since the Navy first purchased test amounts.”

David Rothkopf, editor at large of Foreign Policy, warns that the various ways to lose to terrorists include overreacting in defenses, overreacting in legislature, and even framing it as a “war on terror.”

A McClatchy article rounds up reactions to the embassy closings, which range from “I’ve been ignoring all of it because there’s an infinite range of possibilities…It would be like speculating on the reboot of the ‘Star Wars’ series” to ““It’s crazy pants.” FP does much the same here.

Warlord’s Quote of the Day

“Never interrupt your opponent while he is making a mistake.” Napoleon Bonaparte

Contributed by David Betz, a senior lecturer and head of the Insurgency Research Group in the War Studies Department, King’s College London. Betz is a member of the Warlord Loop, a private email forum for national security experts.

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