Here’s the Congressional Research Service’s Sept. 3 take on Syria. (The map on p.34 shows the ranges of various rockets and missiles if launched by Hezbollah or “Gaza-based militants.”)
Two pieces take issue with Secretary of State John Kerry’s Aug. 3 characterization of war: Ryan Evans’ at War on the Rocks, and Daniel Larison at the American Conservative.
Army Times’ Lance Bacon reports that “The Army has taken a huge step toward establishing the “human dimension” as its seventh war-fighting function” in a late-August TRADOC exercise at Fort Belvoir, Va.
Warlord’s Quote of the Day
“I find that a change of nuisance is as good as a vacation.” — David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister, Minister of War & Minister of Munitions
Contributed by Col. (ret.) Tom Lynch, a former special assistant to a JCS chairman. From a list compiled by the Warlord Loop, a private email forum for national security experts.
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