At the risk of immodesty, we say a happy 150th birthday to AFJ, which published its first issue (as the Army and Navy Journal) on Aug. 29, 1863. Here’s a look back through the years. (Don’t miss Lt. George Patton on cavalry swords.)
Just what do “landpower” and “land control” mean in a post-GWOT world? Two TRADOC officers offer working definitions at Small Wars Journal.
“Greatest hits” and “worst flops” of U.S. foreign policy: A week after Foreign Policy’s Stephen Walt presented his list of the best U.S. moves since World War II, Dan Drezner picks up on the metaphor to offer his picks for the worst.
From the European Council on Foreign Relations, eight things to think about before bombing Syria.
Veteran Middle East journo Robin Wright takes a look at the track record of limited bombing campaigns: “Quick strikes rarely achieve enduring political goals — and often produce more costs or unintended consequences than benefits.”
Warlord’s Quote of the Day
“The irony of history is inexorable.” — Barbara Tuchman
Contributed by Col. Bob Cassidy, a senior fellow with the Center for Advanced Defense Studies. From a list compiled by the Warlord Loop, a private email forum for national security experts.
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