Articles by: SMG Admin

Luck in war: Two Cold War cases

Luck in war: Two Cold War cases

By Lt. Joseph Hatfield

In the end, we avoided war [during the Cuban Missile Crisis]…because we lucked out, absolutely lucked out, on both sides. — Robert McNamara

The Cold War wasn’t won …

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From fuzzy to focus: Questions to ask about strategic land power

From fuzzy to focus: Questions to ask about strategic land power

By Peter W. Singer

In recent months, various parties have looked at America’s ground forces and their potential roles, utility, and — perhaps most importantly — narrative in the “post-Iraq” and soon …

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Learn cyber conflict history, or doom yourself to repeat it

By Jason Healey

There have been at least seven major “wake-up calls” in cyber conflict, attacks or other events that shocked and surprised defenders and decisionmakers, then were promptly forgotten until a …

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Cyber sharing

Cyber sharing

Building partner capacity in cyberspace will make them, and us, less vulnerable

By Lt. Col. Jason B. Nicholson and Lt. Col. David A. Pokrifchak

It’s time for the U.S. military to add …

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Who supports whom in the maritime domain?

Who supports whom in the maritime domain?

Joint and service doctrine remain dangerously unclear

When a joint force goes to war at sea, sound command and control requires that the force’s commander clearly state the support relationship between the …

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Deterrence in the post-Cold War era

Deterrence in the post-Cold War era

Five myths of the nuclear nonproliferation agenda

The Truman National Security Project recently released the fifth edition of the Truman Security Briefing Book, a primer on “the most significant national security and …

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Fostering military entrepreneurs

Fostering military entrepreneurs

The ‘Disruptive Thinkers’ plan a conference

Navy Lt. Benjamin Kohlmann, Marine Capt. Lindsay Rodman, Army Maj. Nathan Finney, and Air Force Capt. Jeff Gilmore

Our generation has returned from the battlefields of …

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A guide to the QDR

A guide to the QDR

How to meet the complex challenges of the next five years, and beyond

By Joseph J. Collins

It is a tough time for Defense Department strategists and programmers. DoD will likely take …

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Challenges for territorial missile defense

Challenges for territorial missile defense

U.S. and Europe face a growing number of potential threats

By Ben Sheppard

In April, North Korea claimed it could attack the U.S. with nuclear-armed ballistic missiles. That same month, the Defense …

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